Wednesday, October 15, 2014

F with a capital P and that stands for Food Pictures

So, you may have noticed my love for musicals in my blog titles recently. Brownie points to the person who knows which musical this one comes from!
Here are some more pictures of food I've been eating. I have lots more where this came from, so stay tuned later this week for more food porn.
A veggie burger with Vegenaise, ketchup, and mustard and Olive salad on rosemary sea salt bread. This is the same olive salad I had in yesterday's post.
Angel Hair with Olive salad and nooch. I have been going back and forth about Nutritional yeast recently. Some days I love it, and other days I hate it and want to throw it out. Anyone else have this sort of reaction?
This is one of my desert staples. Bananas with peanut butter and a sweet syrupy substance. In this instance: Bee Free Honee. I really love this stuff! It smells exactly like honey, but it is made from apples. I bought this a few weeks ago from the vegan store online and I'm very happy with my purchase. I love using it in tea with lemon.
Vegan soft tacos: tofutti cream cheese, spicy guacamole, vegetarian refried beans, and Spanish rice with salsa. These were on the small taco sized wraps, not the huge ones you usually find at the store. I really liked this combination and will probably make it again.
...and here is a mixture of the leftovers that I ate later: Refried beans, tofutti cream cheese, and Spanish rice with salsa. It looks really strange, but it tasted really good.
Veggie burger concoction:veggie burger, pickles, vegenaise, mustard, and ketchup. I like to make ooey-gooey foods that can be served with a variety of starches: rice, pasta, bread, potatoes, or in this case... 
... fajitas. And here is my hamburger taco that I made with the filling! These were really great, especially with the pickles mixed in instead of sitting on the side like I would normally do.
See you tomorrow with another fun post!

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