Sunday, May 25, 2014

Week 34 Update

Walk to Mordor Week 34 Update!

Hi all! I'm back to my weekly updates for my WtM. I didn't walk as much as I wanted to this past week, but I did go to the gym on Monday and Friday, and ballet on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. I wore my pointe shoes for the barre at ballet and went up for about half of those exercises. I'm not strong enough to do more than that at the moment, but I hope to become stronger in the next few weeks. We are doing full length classes now that it is summer and the recital is over. I love the longer classes because we get to do more of the leaps, jumps, and turns that I love and we get to learn longer and more complicated combinations.

I went to the Fresh Market yesterday with my mom and I found some cool new foods. The first was a lemongrass basil Thai sauce that I poured over my kale, mushroom, and garlic pasta last night for dinner.

Kale with Mushrooms and Garlic with Lemongrass Basil Sauce over Angel Hair
Kale with the sauce

The other cool things were lowfat and low sodium rice ramen. I got several different kinds to try and I think I have a new fast cook food for when I need to eat and head out the door. The first was made with black and brown rice so the noodles were black. It came with a miso sauce with little carrot pieces that tasted so good!

Black rice Ramen in White Miso
The second was green and had bamboo in it! It also was seasoned with white miso and, instead of carrots, contained seaweed. I added some regular angel hair to it when I ate lunch because the little packet was not enough to get me through church. I also had some bread (I was feeling like carbs today, can you tell?) and pomegranate juice.

Green Ramen with Angel Hair
It is relatively cool outside today compared to the days we had in the 90's last week, so I took some pictures of flowers in our yard while I didn't have to sweat too badly.
Hydrangeas in the sun.

Week #__34____ Day ___21-____ WTR Goals: Mileage__20____ Weight _265_____

Starting Weight
Current Weight
Goal Weight
Projected Goal Date

Duration Miles
Beginning Mileage
Ending Mileage
 Day 22 Weather turns wet during the day
 Day 23 Hills higher and steeper. They are forced north out of their way. Still raining. Camp on a stony shelf by a shallow cave.
 This week:
 Total miles:

I'm sure many of you have seen this article about the upcoming Hobbit movie which talks about the changes Jackson will be making to the storyline. I'm not sure what to think yet, because I don't want to color my first viewing too badly. If I get my hopes up too much, I will be disappointed. If I don't think too much about it, it will exceed expectations. I kinda feel like running around yelling "I am fire! I am death!" in response to the changes he's making, but I think people would think I had finally cracked.

I'm getting closer and closer to Rivendell in my journey and very close to 400 miles. When I get to 500, I think I should sing "I would walk 500 miles, and I would walk 500 more..." What do you think?

Talking about journeys and dragons, I got the new Beowulf by J.R.R. Tolkien! I won't actually get to read it for a few weeks, since it is going to be a birthday present, but it is now in my mom's closet waiting for me! I'm super excited to read a new (well, from the 1930's, but newly published) translation of my favorite story.

That's all for now folks! I'll talk at you again later!

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