Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Walk to Mordor Week 28 Update

Hello Peeps!

I'm coming at you from hot and muggy Louisiana with my next update in my Walk to Mordor. I apologize for not posting yesterday, but I was actually busy most of the day for some reason. I'm not sure how it happened because Tuesdays are not my busy days. Oh, well!

I went to the gym yesterday instead of going to ballet class because the girls were having their dance rehearsal and they wouldn't have much class. I ended up doing 3 cardio sessions and one strength session at koko and I ache all over. It was mostly arms yesterday, so my back is feeling fine, but my shoulders and arms don't feel so great.

I'm trying to train myself for hiking this summer so I've started doing all my elliptical training where I gradually add to the cross ramp and resistance with every passing minute. By the time I get to 15 minutes and I'm at 15 across the board, I'm sweating up a storm and my legs are aching. I really hope this will help me so I can hike better this summer than last summer. I want to get to Mordor.

So, funny happening: I found the perfect workout songs: "They're taking the hobbits to Isengard", the Misty Mountains song, "What You Want" by Evanescence, "Kelch der Liebe" by Lacrimosa, and The Llama song. For some reason they work really well at different inclines and speeds. I feel really silly sometimes singing "stupid fat hobbits" in my head as I'm in the gym, but it makes the time pass so much quicker. Below is a video of "Kelch der Liebe" It's got a translation into Spanish along with the German words. I totally LOVE this song for working out. Just wanted to share that with all of you!

Today I whipped up a quick vegetable and tofu curry. It was a little spicier than had anticipated, so I added more rice. I used a premade vegan curry sauce and added black bean tofu, carrots, celery, red onion, and red peppers with a teensy bit of olive oil. I ate it over white rice and drank some unsweetened 100% pomegranate juice that I drink in a 1:3 ratio with water because it is so potent. Doesn't it look tasty?

After all that, here is my Mordor Chart for week 28. I didn't make much progress in anything except my weight, but that seems to fluctuate so much that I feel like I'm never going to lose any. I do know that I have gained some muscle because I totally did 90 lb squats last week at the gym. In my trip with Frodo, I'm still running away from Weathertop. It feels strange that I've been doing this for over half a year and I'm still on day 16. I need to step up my game in the coming weeks!

Week #___28___ Day __15-16_____ WTR Goals: Mileage__20____ Weight ___265___

Starting Weight
Current Weight
Goal Weight
Projected Goal Date
15 to 16

Duration Miles
Beginning Mileage
Ending Mileage
 Day 16- second day from Weathertop. Camp
 This week:
 Total miles:


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