Saturday, May 31, 2014

Another rainy day

It is the fourth day in a row that it has rained all day. I feel like I will start to grow mold soon if the sun doesn't come out. I wonder how the people who live through monsoon season every year stand it. The only thing that I can say is that it brings the temperature down so it isn't unbearable.
I went shopping today with my mom and found some awesome new vegan foods I haven't seen before. I'm really excited about some of them like crunchy biscoff cookie butter. Omg I love those cookies.
There is a young raccoon that lives in our yard and it is eating all our blueberries. My dad runs it off when he sees it, but we still haven't been able yup eat any because they are all getting eaten by birds and raccoons. Since we live so close to a swamp, we get a lot of wildlife that passes through our yard. Raccoons, squirrels, birds, deer, and bunnies are our regular visitors. Sometimes we have foxes, alligators, opossums, armadillos, and owls. It is exciting to see so many awesome creatures that just happen to live right in our backyard.
Blackbeans with onions, green onions, red bell pepper and brown rice
Gardein meatless chicken tenders on a sandwich!
Super yummy sandwich
Rain in the backyard. We seem to be forming some sort of pond back there.
Raining in the front yard too.
 Here are some of the foods we picked up at the store that I'm excited to try or have tried before and  adore.
So excited about this! I've had the creamy kind before, but not the crunchy! These are really the best cookies out there and they are vegan! WHAT?! VEGAN! YES!
Trying a new flavor of Tasty Bite pouches
I've heard a lot about this, but never tried it. I'll let you know how it tastes!
Different type of veggie bouillon than I usually use.
Dried fruits for snacks on the go. I love the apricots and kiwi slices. Haven't tried the No Sulfur Mango slices yet, but hopefully they taste like regular mango slices.
This is the rice ramen I was talking about a few posts ago. It is super yummy.
Had these for lunch. Really good lentils.
This tasted like straight up parsley with a hint of basil. Good,  but not what I was expecting.
This stuff is super sweet, but it hits the spot when I really want yogurt.
The ever-present Daiya.
My dad's favorite drink. We go through a few bottles of this a week between three of us.
My Johdpur Lentils and White short grain rice that I had for lunch.
They were really yummy!

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