Sunday, May 11, 2014

Walk to Mordor Week 26

Week 26 Update

I have walked over 250 miles! Woot woot! I can't believe it I really have walked that far. I started this walk to Mordor in October and I'm finally getting somewhere. Hopefully the summer I will be able to walk a lot more when I'm in the mountains and I'll be able to get closer to my journey's end. I haven't seriously been pushing myself like I normally do, so I haven't gone as far as I had planned. I want to go there are back again before 2020!

Today is Mother's day. My dad and I cooking food for my mom and my grandmother. It was one of those last minute things where we didn't realize what we needed to cook until a few days ago so we're having a strange variety of food. 

My dad is barbecuing some ribeye steaks. I'm making a vegan pasta with olives tomatoes peppers garlic and onions. I'm also boiling corn on the cob and making a salad. We'll have some bread that we got from the fresh market and some sorbet. It will be simple but tasty.

I wish all the mothers out there a wonderful day!

Week #___26___ Day ___15____ WTR Goals: Mileage___20___ Weight __267____

Starting Weight
Current Weight
Goal Weight
Projected Goal Date

Duration Miles
Beginning Mileage
Ending Mileage
 Cross Great East Road and enter thickets on south side. Land slopes south.
 Camp in thickets.
 This week:
 Total Miles:

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