Saturday, May 17, 2014


Hey guys! This is a rant. You have been warned.

I wanted to get something off my chest that's been bothering me for a little while. I have been eating vegan exclusively since last July and on and off since last February.
One of the biggest questions that I get is: are you getting enough protein?
This is one of the most frustrating questions that I have to deal with on a nearly daily basis. It really frustrates me and angers me that almost everyone I come into contact with decides that they become a nutritional expert as soon as I tell them that I am vegan. Before I became vegan, I never had people commenting on my food or how much food I ate besides my mom and my dad. As soon as I became vegan, people decided that i'm either not eating enough food, I'm eating too much food, or I'm not getting the proper nutrients to live.
I got really angry today when my therapist asked me if I was eating enough protein. I really don't like feeling angry. It makes me want to lash out and do rash things. I am a control freak and I don't like feeling like I'm not in control of my emotions. Therefore, constantly being asked if I'm getting enough protein makes me feel very out of control. I'm eating enough. I track my calories, my protein intake, my fat intake, my carbohydrate intake, my water intake, my exercise output, and how much sleep I get every night. I don't need someone else telling me that I'm not eating correctly and that I'm harming myself because I choose not to eat animal flesh or other animal products. It frustrates me because the people who are asking me this have seen what happens to me when I accidentally eat these foods. My body has grown used to not eating them and when I do, I feel horribly ill, I break out in pimples, and I have horrible nightmares. When I was in college the last 2 years I had horrible nightmares almost every night. I would only get three to four hours of true sleep a night because I would wake up at 3 o'clock in the morning after having had nightmares. I'm talking about the ones that leave your heart racing and your skin clammy for half an hour. I have only had 3 nightmares since I stopped eating dairy. The only times I have any sort of digesting issues are when I eat out at restaurants and the food is very salty and full of grease. I feel much happier, I feel stronger, and I enjoy eating more than I have in a long time.
Part of the reason my therapist was commenting on my protein intake was because of a bruise I have on my leg. I bruise easily... I always have. Ever since I was a small child. I'm also rather clumsy. I walk into walls and tables and beds and bathtubs and exercise equipment at the gym. If you repeatedly run into the same piece of equipment 3 times a week you will develop a bruise eventually.  I am also very pale. therefore, my bruises show up vividly and last a long time. I remember I got this epic bruise on my shoulder and upper arm from carrying a bookcase up the stairs into my dorm at school . It lasted for a month. This is when I was eating a diet that consisted of eggs, cheese, meat, fish, fruits, vegetables, grains, and a lot of processed food. I ate out a lot at restaurants but served typical "well balanced" meals like pasta with salad and bread or barbeque with fries and coleslaw. I was unhappy, depressed, anxious, and constantly tired. I kept gaining weight no matter how much exercise I did or how many times I tried to go on a diet. I even went through a week were all I ate were mandarin oranges, bananas, and celery. I was not in a healthy state of mind.

I have not gained weight since I went vegan. I haven't lost weight either. I just stay floating around the 270 mark, sometimes a little over and sometimes a little under. I am eating more fruits and vegetables now than I've ever had. I'm trying new foods and experimenting in the kitchen. My acne is better. I have more energy throughout the day. I feel so much better.  So why is everyone ganging up on me to tell me that I'm going to get sick if I don't eat eggs and meat?

The thought of eating meat or eggs again makes me feel so sick. I don't want to and if I am forced to I would probably throw it up involuntarily. The last time I accidentally ate dairy my stomach was upset all night long and I broke out in pimples for several days. How is this supposed to be making me healthier? I'm obviously gaining muscle from my strength training, as you can literally see my muscles growing and strengthening and changing over time. I don't go around commenting on what people eat. I don't tell people I'm eating with that their food is making them sick. I even have to repeatedly turn down offers to try other people's food when they say, "a little bit won't hurt" or "it's just a taste". Whenever I offer my food to people they like it and say how tasty it is, but they go on to say how much better it would be with some hamburger in it.


I'm done with putting up with this constant bullying (because that is what it is when you feel threatened and constantly on the defensive) and I am tired of constantly defending myself to others. I eat what I eat because I want to eat it. End of story.

Yes I am seriously overweight. I know. I'm working on it. Yes I know that I'm not as healthy as I could be. I'm working on it. But I take three 1.5 hour minimum ballet classes a week. I go to the gym at least twice a week and sometimes more. I have set goals for myself and I will achieve them.

So yes, to answer the question: I do get enough protein.

I try to eat a balanced diet of fruits, vegetables, grains, and fats. I eat tofu two to four meals a week. I LOVE beans. Red beans, black beans, Lima beans, pinto beans, lentils, field peas, and more. I eat them all the time. I had lentils yesterday for lunch and red beans for breakfast. Because red beans and rice is my favorite Louisiana food so I eat it all the time. News flash: proteins can be found in many plants, not just animal muscles.

Constantly harping on someone about what they eat, how much they eat, and why they eat it is a great way to help someone develop an eating disorder. So, shut up, eat you own damn food, and don't worry about my protein intake. I have got it covered.

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