Thursday, May 22, 2014

Walk to Mordor 32

Week 32 Update

Week #__32____ Day ___18-19____ WTR Goals: Mileage__20____ Weight __265____
Starting Weight
Current Weight
Goal Weight
Projected Goal Date
18 -19

Duration Miles
Beginning Mileage
Ending Mileage
 Day 19 Continue in valley. Land starts to rise. Can see hills ahead.
 This week:

I'm catching up, people!

Today I can truthfully say that my legs are super sore. I decided to start wearing my pointe shoes again in ballet class, and my first class in them was on Tuesday. Today when I tried to do anything in ballet, my legs would not move! My calf muscles were so tight and my feet were cramping so much that I felt like I was going to fall on my face for most of the class. By the end, they started to really stretch out and I was able to work out some of the soreness. I'm sure they will still be sore tomorrow, but I'm planning to drink lots of water tonight to keep that from being bad.

I feel so much stronger than I did a year ago and I can do things I haven't done in an even longer time. I was really excited today when one of the ladies in class told me that I looked like I had lost a lot of weight. This makes me feel really happy. As you can tell by my WtM updates, my weight hasn't been changing, but I think my body is getting fit and my muscle mass has grown. I think switching to ballet 3 times per week plus the weight training at Koko has really helped.

I've started reading real books again instead of fanfiction online. I tend to go through cycles of reading where I will read all the time, every day for months, and then suddenly stop reading for weeks at a time. I have been really into Norse mythology recently (when am I not into Norse mythology?) and books about veganism or growing gardens. I went to Barnes and Noble with my mom today and bought Mirrorsight by Kristen Britain. I've been waiting for this book for several years, but I can't read it just yet because I forgot what happens in the previous book in the series and I can't reread it until I get to North Carolina. I wanted to get the new Beowulf by Tolkien, but they hadn't yet arrived at the store. We were put on a list to receive a notification when they do arrive so I can get it :) SOOOO EXCITED! I think my mom is planning to give it to me for my birthday!

YouTube is another time-sucker, like reading fanfiction, and several youtubers have been really fun to watch recently. Here are some of the videos I've enjoyed in the past week:

FullyRawKristina is an 80/10/10 Low Fat Raw Vegan who makes the most amazing recipes. I've tried a few of them and they really are tasty! This is her newest video and looks super yummy. I love mangos!
Freelee The Banana Girl is a Raw 'Till Four YouTuber. I have heaps of respect for her and her goal to spread the message of veganism to the world. I think she's one of the best LFRV/ High Carb Raw Vegan/ High Carb Cooked Vegan on the web. With DurrianRider, she has begun daily vlogs during the week and I think they are great! This is the first one.
VintageOrTacky is a makeup guru extraordinaire. This tutorial is a 1930's inspired look that I think would look great on many people.
And finally, this song has been stuck in my head for two weeks now. "Yes, We Have No Bananas" is a fun little song spurred by the shortage of bananas due to a fungus (I'm 95% sure it was s fungus, but it may have been a root problem... I'm not a banana expert) that attacked some varieties in the 1920's. This is when the modern Cavendish banana really took off because it was impervious to the blight.
That's it for today! Look tomorrow for a new Mordor Update and pictures of food! (I made some awesome vegan lasagna today!) Let me know if you would like more of these rambling blogs or day in the life or review blogs.

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