Saturday, May 10, 2014

Walk to Mordor Week 25

Walk to Mordor Update Week 25

I'm back with another Walk to Mordor Update! As you can see below, I only walked a little over 16 miles, but I'm slowly getting closer to Mordor.

Week #__25____ Day __14-15_____ WTR Goals: Mileage___20___ Weight __268____

Starting Weight
Current Weight
Goal Weight
Projected Goal Date

Duration Miles
Beginning Mileage
Ending Mileage
 Midday - Near south end of path. Reach dell at western foot of hill.
 Climb to top of Weathertop and enter the ruins of the watch Tower of Amon. See Black Riders on road below. Return to dell. Camp there. Attack of Nazgul at night. Day 15 Injured, Frodo is carried on pony. Head south from dell.
 This week:
 Total miles:

I always thought the Nazgul were super creepy. I loved how they looked in the Jackson movies because they were so dark and nightmare-ish that I really felt like they could kill you easily.

It is a super grey day/ evening right now. It was bright and sunny this morning, but after I got home from ballet class, the heavens opened and dumped rain on the expectant earth. The good part of all this rain we have been having is that it cools everything down. The bad part is that the mosquitoes are getting worse and worse. Mosquitoes tend to think that I am the most succulent human ever. If they are there, they are biting me.

My ballet recital is a week from today. AGH! How did it sneak up on me like this? I'm really excited, but a little nervous. I'm not wearing them in the recital, but I finally finished darning my pointe shoes. I think I got them my senior year in high school. They are super old and comfy. I'll post a tutorial on how to darn pointe shoes next week. It isn't really hard and once you get the hang of it, but it can take some time. Today, one of them took me two hours of uninterrupted work. They aren't perfect, but they will work, which is the point of it all. I'm going to start wearing them in class again after the recital.

That's all for now! Look out for more WtM updates this next week.

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