Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Book Review: Ragnarok: The End of the Gods

Book Review: Ragnarok: The End of the Gods
by A.S. Byatt
(First Published 2011)

Several weeks ago I mentioned this book in a post where I said I was on the fence about whether or not I liked this book. Well, I finished it today and I can truthfully say that I loved this book!

A very unique retelling of the Norse myths, Ragnarok: The End of the Gods dives headfirst into the world of a child living in the country at the height of WWII. The beautiful, simple language and childlike excitement and wonder brings a new perspective to these well known tales. This is not your standard set of myths that tells of the gods at the height of their power, but a tale that constantly foreshadows the destruction and inevitability of the End Times. Everything in this book is leading and pointing to Ragnarok, not only in the myths, but in the "thin child's" life. The correlation between Ragnarok, WWII, and our current world are wonderfully presented and subtle.

I love the darkness that permeates these tales as well as the focus on Loki's children and the failing of the gods to forestall Ragnarok by simple inability to devise a plan to stop the End. The only god who seems to contain that creative spark is Loki, who is all about joining his children in the destruction of the world. I highly recommend this book for those who enjoy myths and fairy tales and want to read a new and refreshing retelling of the old stories.


Read May 21, 2014

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