Thursday, May 15, 2014

Walk to Mordor Week 29: 300 miles

Week #__29____ Day ____16-17___ WTR Goals: Mileage___20___ Weight ___268___

Starting Weight
Current Weight
Goal Weight
Projected Goal Date

Duration Miles
Beginning Mileage
Ending Mileage
 Day 17 Camp then Follow a wide shallow curving valley.
 This Week:
Total Miles: 
 I’ve walked over 300 miles peeps!

I've walked 300 miles! Woot Woot! This was the week before Easter- Holy Week. I didn't go to Koko at all because I was at church almost every day. I love Holy Week a lot. My favorite service is the Good Friday service and I get really excited about all the music I get to sing every year.

So I would just like to take this moment to say that I love my Fitbit because I would never have walked this much in the past half a year if I didn't have it. I feel so accomplished that I have walked over 300 miles! That's like the distance from New Orleans to Birmingham. Think about that.

Because of the rain yesterday, it is super sunny and cool today. The weather is glorious and I'm going to enjoy it this afternoon!

I had ballet this morning. We have our recital on SATURDAY! I'm so excited! I promise to post pictures in the next few days/ weeks.

That's all for now. Tune in tomorrow for the next Walk to Mordor Update!

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