Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Update Walk to Mordor Week 36

Walk to Mordor Week 36 Update!

Week #___36___ Day __25_____ WTR Goals: Mileage___20___ Weight __265____

Starting Weight
Current Weight
Goal Weight
Projected Goal Date

Duration Miles
Beginning Mileage
Ending Mileage
 While looking for a place to camp, hear a horse: Glorfindel.
 This week:
 Total Miles:

This was a good week. I went to Koko Fitclub 3 times and I learned how to do plyo-jumps. My legs are killing me. My ballet studio is redoing the floor and the coats of finish need to dry. Since it has been raining here on an off for weeks, it is taking longer than expected.

Friday I met with my wonderful friend Max to pick out music for an upcoming vocal and piano recital. I'm really excited to make music with Max since he is super musical and really "gets" the music of so many different composers. I'll keep you all updated on the progress we are making.

I'm getting really frustrated with the slow pace of my Mordor travel. I spend a lot of time in the car or sitting, so I do what I can when I am able to be active, but I can only do so much before I end up walking around in circles to try to get my five miles per day. Next week I'm going to be on vacation, so I'll be walking around a lot more. When I finally get to North Carolina (still not set date for that, urg!) I'm going to go hiking or walking every day! (Unless it is raining because walking in thunderstorms is not fun).

That's all for today. I'll post some awesome vegan food pictures tomorrow!

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