Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Food Pictures

Hello Peeps! You are getting some food pics today!

I've been forgetting to take pictures of some of my foods, but this is a jumble of foods I've eaten over the past week or so.

First we see pasta. I eat a lot of pasta. It is an addiction and I'm working on eating less. This is Angel Hair with Olive oil and Garlic.

And another Bowl of Pasta! This time it is topped with Gardein Ribs. These things are really fantastic if you like BBQ and thick sauce. They come in these little pouches that you puncture and then nuke in the microwave for a minute or two. These are tasty and juicy. My mom says that they really do taste like ribs. My dad declined the taste I offered him. My only complaint is that there needs to be more sauce in the little pouches.

This is a vegan burger by Amy's topped with dill pickles, spinach, ketchup, mustard, and vegenaise on an onion bun. These are not my favorite vegan burgers, but they are better than most that I have tried.

Vegan Lasagna again. I love making lasagna because it is fun to add fun layers to give your tongue a burst of exciting and hidden flavors. This one is made with canned no salt added diced tomatoes, soy chorizo, soy pepperoni, go veggie! vegan cream cheese, and vegan pesto. I ate it with this awesome kale dish that my mom made with mushrooms, garlic, olive oil, and lemon juice. This is probably my new favorite way to eat kale.

Tasty bite Bombay Potatoes were a new easy to heat food that I found at the store. It is made of potatoes, chick peas, green peas, and onions. I ate it with leftover sushi rice. It was just the perfect level of spicy without burning. I will definitely get this pouch again.

Chinese Curly Noodles are basically ramen that isn't fried. So this no fat ramen is doused in spicy and thick tomato sauce... yup. It was yummy!

My Peter Rabbit Garden Salad from Nutrition Company with my Apple, Cabbage, Kale, Ginger, Beet juice.

Soy Chorizo on Ciabatta bread. Super yummy and super filling. I love this soy chorizo. It is just the right amount of spice and it keeps me feeling full for a long while.

Vegan burgers with Vegenaise, ketchup, mustard, garlic dill pickles, spinach, and onion buns.
And last but no least, this is our little friend that keeps me up at night when he decides to knock over the trash cans and spread garbage all over the roof and lawn. (Don't worry, I don't think of him as food. I just wanted to post his picture here.) This is a young raccoon (there is an older and very fat raccoon that likes our yard as well). It ate all our blueberries before they ripened so my dad is really mad at it, but it doesn't bother me too much.
Let me know what you think about these food picture posts so I can decided if I will do more of them in the future. Talk at you later. 

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