May started out warm and it has only been getting warmer. I played a lot more with makeup this month because I had to practice a bit for my ballet school recital. I'm still doing well on my project ? pan, but I did end up buying some things that I had run out of, so I'll talk about those at the end of the post.
A little refresher: I'm trying to use up my products that are tested on animals and are not vegan. I don't like wasting things, so I can't just throw them away. While I'm trying to use up these products I'm trying to not buy any makeup or beauty products unless I completely run out of something essential (like deodorant, conditioner, contact solution) or I have to buy them for a specific purpose (ballet recital= new eyelash glue). Because this is an ongoing project, the numbering is a continuation of last month's products.
* denotes cruelty free
** cruelty free but parent company is not
v vegan product
Bold denotes product I will repurchase

I had a love/hate relationship with this product. I don't like the smell (really fruity and it stays with you all day). I loved how squeaky clean it made my hair. I loved using this after I had left oil in my hair overnight because it cleaned it out so well without having to use much product. I didn't like the consistency. It was watery and thick at the same time. I'm not sure how that works, but that's what it felt like. It lathered really well and you only needed a little bit to make a whole bunch of suds. This left my scalp feeling really dry so I could only use it about once a week (this is why it took me such a long time to finish this product). I don't like volumizing products because they make my hair knot, so I had to use a bunch of conditioner whenever I used this product. (This was a hand me down from my mom who couldn't use it because the smell was so strong it affected her allergies. I didn't purchase this for myself.) The bottle claims that it is 97.20% natural. What the heck does that even mean? It would be more helpful if they put an asterisk by the ingredients that were man made. Talking about ingredients, this contains honey so it isn't vegan (imagine that, a company called Burt's Bees using honey). I used to love Burt's Bees and I have tons of their products I need to use up, so this is one down and many more to go. I won't buy this product again because it isn't vegan, it made my hair knot, and I didn't like the smell. They are a cruelty free company though, so a step in the right direction! (After looking at the ingredients online compared to my bottle, they seem to have reformulated this product and it no longer contains honey.)

I liked this scent. It was darker and more fruity than regular juicy couture. According to their website it smells of wild berries, mandarin, strawberry, gardenia, honeysuckle, jasmine, amber, caramel, vanilla, and sandalwood. This wouldn't be an everyday scent for me. It's not my favorite and I will not purchase this in the future.

This deodorant worked well. I don't like gel deodorants that much, but my mom bought it for me so I had to use it. I liked the scent because it is like the solid stick in the same scent. It is very fresh and clean smelling and doesn't bother me throughout the day. I did not like the gel consistency. And guess what... it was a double pack! So I have another of these to use. Urg. Not repurchasing.

I think I got this perfume sample in a My Little Pink Box sample about four years ago. It is a combination of jasmine, violet, bergamot, woods, and amber. It wasn't my favorite scent, but it wasn't bad. For $56 for a 1.7 oz bottle, I wouldn't recommend it. I couldn't find any information about their animal testing policy on their website.

52. güd from Burt's Bees- Natural Softening Conditioner Floral Cherrynova Cherry Blossom and Almond Milk 12 Fl oz (350 ml) * v
This conditioner was an impulse buy when I was at target because it was on sale for $5.50 and I wanted to try out this brand I had never seen before. I HATED this conditioner with a passion. It smelled HORRIBLE. It left a very chemical smelling floral scent in my hair that would not leave for days! DAYS! The plus side is that this product is vegan. That's it. Otherwise it was a horrible smelling product that didn't soften or smooth my hair. I'm never buying this product again.

This, like the conditioner I finished last month, is neither cruelty free nor vegan. Like the conditioner, I have used this product for many years. The "highlight activating" is effective as my hair looks brighter and cleaner when using this shampoo, but the smell is almost worse than the conditioner. It smells overly synthetic like many blonde shampoos and conditioners on the market. I will not be repurchasing this in the future since it isn't vegan.

55. Annick Goutal Quel Amour! Eau de Toilette .06 Fl oz (1.75 ml)
This was another sample I got from either my friend Sara or a Birchbox. This is a very romantic floral scent including Peonies, Wild Roses, Geranium rosa, Pomegranate, Cranberry, Redcurrant, Morello Cherry, Wine Peach, and Grey Amber (according to their website). While I enjoyed wearing this scent, it wasn't really "me". I will not be repurchasing this product for that reason. I can't find their animal testing policy, so if any of you can, let me know!

Strange is the only way I can describe this product. It is minty, so you feel like your head is tingling and cold while you are working it through your hair and massaging it into your scalp. When the hot water hits it, you feel cold and hot scalp at the same time. I hated the little blue beads. They did not serve a purpose to my knowledge, and they scratched my scalp. They were horrible to wash out of my hair and made my hair tangle where I missed a few and they dried into my hair. However, my hair was beautiful after using this product. It looked and felt strong, healthy, shiny, and smooth. I felt like one of those hair commercial women who throw their hair around because it felt so good. I almost starting singing "I whip my hair back and forth". It felt that amazing. The dried hair scent was great and I felt revived and minty for several days. I would buy this again in a heartbeat if it didn't contain those horrible little blue balls of terror. (These little balls in scrubs, exfoliators, and rubs are very bad for the environment. You can find more information about these beads here:
It is better to use natural products that decompose and disintegrate naturally like fruit pits and nut shells or sugar granuals.) I can't find if this company is cruelty free or not, but this product is vegan.

I love bar soap. I don't usually include them in this list, because I'm usually using soap that I have made (vegetable glycerin melt and pour soap is the base I usually use). I do, however, buy soaps or receive them as gifts and I will include those soaps in this list. This bath soap was from a hotel. These are not available on the normal retail market, so unless you own a bed and breakfast and want to buy lots of little bars of soap, you won't be able to find these. It worked well and smelled great.

Sweet citrus, woody floral, cognac, jasmine, rose, and a bit of leather blend effortlessly in this delicate but rich fragrance. I love the transparent complexity of this parfum. I love this perfume, but it doesn't smell "me" enough for me to buy it. Maybe if I were a little more girly and less eccentric in my wardrobe presentation. If I could put a picture to this scent, it would be a living room in an apartment where all the furniture is made of light woods and white fabrics. I'm more Victorian frufru and eclectic antiques. I hope that makes sense. That being said, it is a fantastic fragrance.

59. Lucy B Australian Wild Jasmine Eau de Parfum Sample*
When I smell this scent I smell Jasmine and Magnolia. It is a rich floral that isn't too heavy and still remains fresh. It is a little too floral for me, but I liked it while I wore it. This is an aromatherapy type of fragrance so it meant to be strong and fill the wearer with a certain mood boosting kick. It does this well.

I've used another one of these scented Epsom salts. Still not my favorite, but they work well on my sore legs, so I can't complain.

My dentist recommended this to me instead of the whitening strips or toothpastes because she was afraid that those would irritate my gums. I didn't use this whitening mouth wash every time I brushed my teeth, but I did try to use it once a day or every few days. It whitens teeth using hydrogen peroxide, so it isn't the best for you, but it doesn't scrape or scratch your teeth and it works. Johnson and Johnson does test on animals, so I'm trying to find a whitening mouth rinse that is cruelty free.
Wow, I used a lot of products up this month! Here are the products I bought:
biotrue contact solution- this is my normal solution. It was buy one get one half off for the large size containers, so I went ahead and bought two. I have only been able to find cruelty free contact solution online and I'm afraid to buy something when I'm not sure exactly when I will be in town.
alba botanica moisturizing conditioner- I ran out of full size conditioner. Yay! This project ? pan is working! I don't like the smell of this product so far, but it makes my hair feel nice.
Jason henna conditioner- I bought this when I bought the alba botanica conditioner. I haven't tried it yet.
crystal salt deodorant- I've been interested in trying this deodorant for a while. I will start using it when I finish up my current deodorants
mini fingernail polish remover- for the ballet recital, in case people forgot that they are not supposed to have bright green nails on stage. Didn't have to use it.
ardell eyelashes- for the recital. nice and easy to use
duo eyelash glue- my favorite eyelash glue. It always works and doesn't irritate my eyes
makeup sponges- to apply makeup for the recital
eos lip balm in raspberry- an impulse buy when I was in the ulta. Bad Marjorie! Bad!
Stay tuned for June's empties in a few weeks!
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