Monday, October 21, 2013

Another Day, Another Post

I went to Koko FitClub again today. I'm now on #4 of sculpt and tone. I feel like I am getting stronger and I can lift more weight easier than 2 weeks ago. I ate lunch at the Nutrition Company afterwards. I tried one of their sandwiches this time: the Grilled Veggie Sandwich. It was so good! I also got one of the juices made of orange, carrot, and pear juice. It was much better than the orange, carrot, and beet.
 While talking with my lovely friend Meagan, I found out she is almost caught up with me and my walk to Mordor!
I found this awesome video of a singing group called Arstidir performing an impromptu performance in a German train station:
If you go to their website to listen to and buy their awesome music. Also, they have some free downloads available if you want to try them out before you commit! They are a folk/ indie group that is haunting and exciting all at once.
And here is a picture of a flower in my backyard because it is pretty:

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