Tuesday, July 1, 2014

San Francisco Part Six

Japanese Tea Garden
The Japanese Tea Garden was our second and final stop in the Golden Gate Park. We started out with lunch (you can see the pictures in the food post, my first post about San Francisco) and then walked around the garden.  I loved how beautifully they had taken care of their bonsai.  They were all well trimmed and very healthy. The koi pond was beautiful as well as the rock garden. Please enjoy these pictures! Most of the structures in the garden had been given to them or bought quite a while ago. My favorite was the rock garden that was designed half a century ago!
I only have one more post about San Francisco and then I'll get on to my current trip to North Carolina. I hope you have enjoyed all these pictures. I'm glad that I'm able to share them with you so you can see some of the amazing things that I have seen.  

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