Friday, April 18, 2014

Vegan Grilled Cheese Recipe

Recipe: Vegan Grilled Cheese
It's Good Friday, y'all! This is my favorite church service of the year, so I woke up feeling super excited and ready to face the day. But that can be a later post. This is a recipe for grilled cheese.

I know, I know, who needs a recipe for a grilled cheese?  Well I was bored, so here you are.
vegan cheese (I used Daiya Mozzarella Shreds because they were what was available to me at the store, but I recommend the vegan Go Veggie Slices or Daiya slices instead so they won't fall into the pan as you are cooking)
vegan butter substitute (I used earth balance)
1. Slice the bread
2. Melt the earth balance in the pan on medium heat
3. Place the daiya on the bread in the pan
4. Place the other piece of bread on top and cook until the cheese melts, turning over halfway through. Serve with a salad or a fruit smoothie (pictured is orange juice in my old Nalgene bottle).
I hope you enjoyed this super simple recipe. I will be posting more once Easter is over and I don't have to be at church every single day singing.  

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