Monday, April 14, 2014

Rambles and Such on a Rainy Day

My acne is much better!
Rambles and Such on a Rainy Day

So, I've been doing the same things I normally do. Ballet, church, reading. My brother came home for spring break a few weeks ago, and then I got sick. I've had a sinus infection that is slowly going away.
I pretty much gave up on trying to get away from the fandoms for lent. It was nearly impossible with all the posts I would see on facebook. 
This lent has been really strange. I've really had some ups and downs. Two weeks ago, my former conducting teacher passed away. I was distraught and confused and angry when I learned that he was dying. I knew he was sick and I knew he didn't have much time left, but I didn't know that it was going to be so immediate and that I would never get to see him again. I cried and moped and hid away from the world. This is how I deal with grief. Because of this, I didn't go on the computer for about a week, so I didn't update my posts at all.

This little guy sometimes hangs out in our mailbox! Isn't he cute!
It's Holy Week now. I'm super excited about the upcoming services and the music we are going to sing. I am a little sad that lent is almost over, but I'm excited for all the Easter music we get to sing for several weeks.
My baby plants from my friend Katie
I haven't been going to the gym much because of being sick and I missed a week of ballet. I feel super weak and I haven't made it through a whole class in two weeks. It's super frustrating and I hate feeling sick and useless.

Some Miso Tofu Pasta I made... yummy!
On a brighter note, I've been watching tons of YouTube videos recently. I watched some cool vids about using hair oil and I've been trying that out. I've also been watching lots of videos about herbal remedies for sinus infections... not so helpful.

Today is one of those days that started out gorgeous: the sun was shining, the azaleas were in riotous bloom, the squirrels and mourning doves were chowing down by the birdfeeder, and all was right with the world. Then it started pouring! I thought I was going to drive off the causeway it was coming down so hard! There was lightning and thunder that shook the walls! (It's still raining at the moment, but not as much thunder in the immediate vicinity.) I love this kind of weather as long as I don't have to drive in it. It makes me feel content and homey, like I could curl up with a book and a throw and a mug of Earl Grey and be happy forever.  That's actually sort of the reason I named my blog "Healing Rain on a Sunny Day". These days have a healing quality to them that can't be replicated by artificial means. It reminds me of the first stanza of the poem "Song of the Lotos-Eaters" by Alfred, Lord Tennyson.

THERE is sweet music here that softer falls 
Than petals from blown roses on the grass, 
Or night-dews on still waters between walls 
Of shadowy granite, in a gleaming pass; 
Music that gentlier on the spirit lies,         5
Than tired eyelids upon tired eyes; 
Music that brings sweet sleep down from the blissful skies. 
Here are cool mosses deep, 
And thro' the moss the ivies creep, 
And in the stream the long-leaved flowers weep,  10
And from the craggy ledge the poppy hangs in sleep.
 Isn't that just gorgeous! Here is the full poem. I urge you to read it and revel in the imagery Tennyson is able to evoke in a relatively short poem. I sang a beautiful arrangement of the stanza printed above in high school women's chorale. Here's a pretty good recording I found of the arrangement by D. Gawthrop.
So anyway, I'm getting over my sinus infection and I can mostly go through the day without coughing my lungs out. I am getting tired of blowing my nose. I've been through two bags of Ricola and a huge box of Kleenex in the past week... not fun!

I ended up buying a hard case for my ukulele last week when I noticed it was on sale on Amazon. I got it for less than $30 including shipping when it usually costs $60 plus shipping, so I felt like I really got a deal on it. Isn't it cute! It is pictured next to my dad's full size guitar case if you wanted a size reference. I also redeemed some of my birchbox points on a fantastic candle and ordered some sheet music by Samuel Barber. I somehow even had them all delivered on the same day, so I was full of package opening joy.
A candle I made two years ago
A baby palm cross I made after church
I've been really trying to use up my non-cruelty free and non-vegan makeup and beauty products recently. I've been discovering some fun products I had forgotten about and trying new products and samples from the elf beauty bundles and birchbox, respectively. I absolutely adore some of the elf products and I'll do full reviews of them later (the mineral eyeliner is fantastic and I think I've found a lip gloss I actually love).
That's about it for now, folks! I'll attempt to update my walk to Mordor either this week, or the week after Easter. Until then, ta ta!
Awesome palm arrangement at church
Me with Meagan's cat that thinks he's a dog... Look how much fun he's having. Courtesy of Meagan!

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