Monday, March 24, 2014

Update Lent 2014

Update Lent 2014 Numero Uno

I really didn't think it would be that hard to give up the fandoms. I thought I night just have trouble finding other things to do, but I didn't think I spent that much time reading fanfiction and laughing at memes. Apparently I did. Five minutes here and five minutes there adds up to a few hours by the end of the day. I also used to read it before bed. The night of Ash Wednesday I got into bed and didn't know what to do with myself. I was too tired to read anything that needed a brain to understand (which is why fanfiction is usually perfect... don't need too many little grey cells to read a story about Avengers turning into cats) and too awake to just fall asleep. I ended up trying to remember all the words to Bellini's "Vaga Luna" until I drifted off. I have a feeling that by the time Lent ends, I will have caught up on all the reading I wanted to do for the spring.

I was really good about it the first week of Lent, then I caved. It is an addiction. I can't stop reading it. This past week it slowly crept into my life again. I tried staying away from Facebook a bit, but that didn't work so well. I'm going to try again tomorrow. It will work!

I have blogged more than I really expected to! Yay! I missed a few, but updated them eventually. Last week I was absent because my brother was home from school and I wanted to spend time with him while I could. That, and we kept going out to lunch and dinner so I spent a lot of time being full.

I've not gone through my clothes yet. It's on my list with "clean my room" and "stop reading fanfiction all the time".

These are the books that I have read so far this lent:
  1. Homemade Cookie Recipes:Top 55 cookies of Cake Mix Chocolate, Chip Mexican Wedding, Shortbread, Gingerbread, Lemon, Fortune, Vegan, Apple, Red Velvet,Monster and Banana Recipes
  2. Daily Scripture Reading and Meditation: 31 Healing Bible Verses- To Keep You Healthy, Healed and Whole! 
  3. The Complete Sugar Detox Program: Cleanse Your Body of Sugar Naturally and Beat Your Cravings!
  4. How the Bible Came to Be (Ebook Short)
  5. Martin Luther's 95 Theses
  6. Is the Bible Divinely Inspired?
  7. The Life and Prayers of Saint Augustine
  8. 31 Supurb and Healthy Baked Chicken Recipes You Can Rely On
  9. The Ultimate Dandelion Cookbook
I will post an update for my walk to Mordor later this week. I expect to not have gone so far these past few weeks since I have been busy sitting in a car and not really walking as much as I should.

In other news, I fell walking up the aisle at church yesterday and twisted my ankle. It isn't too swollen and not really bruising at all, so I think I'm ok. It also doesn't really hurt unless I step too hard, so I think I got off easy in my injury scale of how-bad-did-Marjorie-hurt-herself-this-time. I am super pissed about this because I went two weeks in ballet without having to wear any ankle braces and I'm now back to square one. Saturday I had a fantastic class (technically I did two and a rehearsal) and I was dancing really well. I can't believe that I hurt myself! URG! SOOOO FRUSTRATING!

I read my friend Meagan's blogpost about not letting yourself come up with excuses. I am the queen of coming up with excuses for myself as to why I should or shouldn't do things, or why things did or didn't happen. "I'll clean my room later. I'm tired. I'll vacuum after my nap. I'll take the trash out after one more episode. I'll pray after I finish this email. I'll darn my pointe shoes tomorrow. I'll call my grandmother when she'll be home." They creep in and take hold and won't leave. So no more excuses.

Tomorrow you will see another blog post. I won't read any fanfiction. I'll clean some of my room. I'll grimace through the pain at ballet. And I will be happy about it! Hope the rest of you are having a nice Lenten season!

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