Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Trip to North Carolina Part Four

Part the Last (Part 4)
Very picture heavy

View from the top of the Mountain
Wow. I can't believe this trip ended so quickly. Thursday I slept in because I could and because going to Spartanburg the days before had worn me out. I made an awesome lettuce sandwich for breakfast. Who doesn't love lettuce sandwiches?

My awesome lettuce sandwich
Lent Madness began (See previous post). I voted for Basil the Great because he was so important to the formation of the Trinitarian view and the Nicene Creed.

Then, Mom and I sorted through school books and things to figure out what I was going to bring home. I ended up deciding to bring home two boxes of music, 4 pairs of shoes, my printer, my German dictionary, my five pound illuminated bible, and some winter clothes.

I made some super yummy vegan pasta for lunch. Have a look-see.

After a short nap, I took a hike in the woods and apple orchards with my parents. It is so beautiful up here in the winter. I love looking at all the wonderful trees and bark formations. Here are a bunch of photos that I took on the 2.63 mile hike. It took us roughly 1.25 hours to hike it with lots of stops. (We stopped for water from the spring! There is nothing like spring water fresh from the rock. It tastes amazing. Like earth and rock and crisp-cool. There is no other way to describe it.) It was a super dreary and cold day and by the end of the hike it started to sleet. We made it back to the car just in time.

I braided my hair in French braid pigails.
I made stir fry veggies and pasta for dinner because I was super hungry and that's what we had in the fridge.

Then came the fun part: snow! It started to snow so my dad and I went running around like mad people. I took lots of pictures.

Then I decided to do some reading on my kindle. I read a short E-book called How the Bible Came to Be for my lent reading and another short ebook called The Complete Sugar Detox Program. This was a diet/ cookbook that had some interesting recipes, but not many were even vegetarian, so I'm not going to review it on my blog.

Friday I woke up early. I missed going to Spartanburg to see my voice teacher because of the snow, which was a little upsetting, but SNOW! OMG, I love snow! It had snowed overnight and was lightly raining in the morning so I decided to go out in it before it all melted. I made a quick breakfast of Angel Hair and sundried tomatoes and pulled on my layers of clothes to head out the door. It took my mom a long time to finally join us for the hike, but we headed up the road soon enough. Everything was covered in the most beautiful clean white snow. Our neighbor's dogs joined us for about five minutes of the hike (it really freaked out my mom, who doesn't really trust their dogs after one of them bit my aunt twice, but they just tagged along for a little while, then dashed off through the woods).



The apple trees looked so cool in the snow. It was so bleak and grey with such a lovely backdrop of the trees in the snow. We found turkey tracks by the lake!


After about an hour, I got pretty cold because the rain was soaking through my clothes (at least my feet stayed dry... thank you Gortex!) so we started our descent. Once we got back I realized I had soaked through my clothes, so I changed, threw in some laundry, and bundled up under the big blue comforter.

My hair after being in French braid pigtails

My hair is getting long!
Saturday was the day we drove home. I started it off with a Go Veggie! pepperjack grilled cheese sandwich. It was surprisingly good. The trip home took us 11 hours and 15 minutes. I drove for most of that. I am so glad to finally have my car back.
 I hope you all enjoyed theses posts about my trip. If you want to see more posts like this, with lots of pictures of nature, food, places I go, or whatever I am doing that day, please comment below and tell me what you think. Here ends my trip!

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