Monday, March 10, 2014

Walk to Mordor Week 22 and 23

Update WtM Wk 22 and 23

Week #___22___ Day ___10-11____ WTR Goals: Mileage__25____ Weight __269____

Starting Weight
Current Weight
Goal Weight
Projected Goal Date

Duration Miles
Beginning Mileage
Ending Mileage
 Camp in western part of the Marshes. Day 11
 Hiking/ walking
 Camp in eastern part of the Marshes. See flashes of light in the east during the night (Gandalf on Weathertop).
 This week:

I didn't walk very much this week for some reason, I'm not sure why. Probably my feet were still recovering from my trip to New York and I sat in a car for most of my Thursday and Friday. I talk about my Saturday hike in my Trip to North Carolina Part One post. I am so glad that I got my Fitbit. I would never have known how many miles my hike actually was. I can't wait to be back in NC in the summer and do some more hiking!

Week #__23____ Day _11-013______ WTR Goals: Mileage___20___ Weight __269____

Starting Weight
Current Weight
Goal Weight
Projected Goal Date

Duration Miles
Beginning Mileage
Ending Mileage
 Day 12 Reach eastern edge of the Marshes. Can see Weather Hills ahead. Land starts to rise. Land drier and very barren. A few birds.
 Walk/ hike
 Walk/ hike
 Camp by a stream, among stunted alder trees. Moon waxing. Day 13. Frost. Very clear. Can see crumbled ruins on Hills ahead.
 This week:

 This week was a combination of not walking much on some days (usually because I was in a car, it was raining, or I was in church) and hiking other days. I loved my hikes in the woods. My parents and I took several hikes on and off the roads and through our apple orchards. It was really neat to see the orchards with snow in them. I usually only see the orchards when they are carrying apples or have just been picked. I still have never seen them in bloom, but I will one day. You can see pictures of my trip here: Part Two and Part Three. Part Four will come in a few days.
I would like to take this moment to say: I HAVE WALKED 200 MILES! That's right! I have officially walked 200 miles in my walk to Mordor. I am on DAY 13! How is that even possible?! I've been walking since October and I'm on day 13!
One of the things I find sort of depressing is that my weight has largely remained the same. I know I am healthier than I was (I literally ran up some of those hills in NC) and I know I am stronger than I used to be, so why am I not losing weight? I have a whole bunch of clothes in my closet that I would love to wear again, but I can't and that is super frustrating.
While I was in South Carolina, I saw many people that I hadn't seen since August. They all said I looked happier. I AM happier and that is really important for me. I have been depressed for so long, that it snuck up on me that I am, in general, a whole lot happier than I used to be. To me, this is so much more important than being a certain weight. I am so much more impressed with my progress and growing strength at ballet and the gym than I am disappointed with my weight loss. My main goals for weight loss are to be healthier (I don't want the plethora of health problems that come with obesity) and to not be held back from doing what I want because of my weight (you'd be surprised how much this happens in the opera world).
So, I am almost halfway to Rivendell. I am healthier and happier than I was a year ago. I feel like I am helping people with my blog, and if not that, then I am at least amusing them. If you have any comments or questions, please leave them below. If you have any requests or ideas for post, PLEASE let me know so I can get to them!

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