Friday, November 1, 2013

Yummy Food for Halloween

I went to the Nutrition Company again on Wednesday after going to Koko and I tried a new sandwich! The Tempeh Reuben was fantastic! I love sauerkraut and reubens so it was good to find one I can eat! Have a lovely picture:
Also, on Monday I brought home a Peter Rabbit Garden Salad that was delightful. My mom and I split it and a grilled veggie sandwich as well as a celery, apple, and pear juice.

On Halloween (Thursday), my friend Meagan and I decided to cook. Meagan had been telling me about this awesome website called My Whole Food Life and we wanted to try some of the recipes. All the recipes we tried were Vegan and pretty healthy. We made an apple pie, no bake pumpkin cookies, roasted pumpkin seeds, and carrot curry ginger soup. It took several hours and 2 crock pots, but it was lots of fun. Here are links to the recipes on my whole food life and pictures of the process and final products. 
Meagan slicing apples for the apple pie
No Bake Pumpkin Cookies- Pre-flattened versions
  We ended up flattening the cookies and then dipping them in sugar because we didn't think they were sweet enough. I can see these being made with more nuts and raisins and tasting like a cliff bar. These were the things we were the most disappointed with out of our recipes.
Carrot Ginger Curry Soup in the Crockpot
   We added more ginger to the recipe than it called for because it tasted mostly like curry.
Apple Pie filling in the other crockpot
 We used 2 Fuji, 3 Gala, and 3 Golden Delicious Apples for the pie. The crust reminded Meagan and I of the bread we used to make for school Eucharist when we were young. It was really dense and slightly think wheat-honey bread, so you can see why this wheat crust would resemble it. I think next time I would make more of the topping and less crust. It isn't a very sweet pie, but it is really yummy.
The Best Pumpkin Seeds Ever!
  We slightly over cooked the pumpkin seeds because my oven runs hot and we had fewer seeds that the recipe called for. I loved the burned ones and Meagan liked the non-burned ones, so we were A-OK!
Finished Apple Pie
Top View of Apple Pie
Carrot Soup of Goodness
When we were waiting for the crockpots to do their magic, Meagan and I watched the Pilot episode for the BBC Sherlock and the first part of the 1st Episode with the Commentary. It was really great to see the differences in the characters (Anderson with a beard is still hilarious!) and plotline. You can really see the difference 30 minutes of show makes for the fleshing out of characters and their backstories. Mycroft Holmes, for example, wasn't a part of the pilot. His character helps us understand a lot about Sherlock in the first episode, as well as the changes that happen along the way. Also, Sherlock's hair is SO MUCH BETTER in the actual show.
I fixed Meagan my Easy Awesome Pasta while we were waiting. She loved it! She topped it with Parmesan Cheese and I mixed some Daiya Mozzerella Shreds in with mine. You can see the Nurtitional Info for the shreds here.
 We also carved the pumpkin. Meagan drew the design and I cut it... what do you think? Awesome Jack-o-lantern right?!  
Me carving the pumpkin
That's it for the Yummy Food Post of Awesomeness! Happy Halloween! 

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