Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Quick Update

Hello All!

I haven't posted in over a month. Real life got in the way. I did about a week of NaNoWriMo before I had to stop, but I did get a chunk of writing done on my story and fleshed out some of the background information. Maybe when I have more written I'll start posting it on FictionPress.

I've been pretty busy with ballet, church, and Christmas Caroling. I am not ready for it to be December. When did this happen?!

It's been a really hard time for me lately with several church members passing away and having to sing at a few funerals. I actually have to sing at one today. It's always really hard trying not to cry. I have a hard time singing while crying, so I have to be extra careful with my tears.

I have finally gotten a Twitter. You can follow me @darksunnygirl. I've been using it and tumblr more and more because it is easier to update from my phone.

Sometime in the next few weeks I will be posting lots of empties posts and reviews of products. Be ready for them!

Until next time!

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