Saturday, December 27, 2014

Nature Pics

 Hey y'all! This is another post i never uploaded from the beginning of October. I took some pictures in the yard. Here they are :) I hope you enjoy!

Sweet Olive in the front yard. I love the smell of sweet olive. They are planted all over New Orleans and Metaire and they smell fantastic. Whenever I smell them, I think of home and late summer/autumn.  
I have no idea what these are, but they are all over my front yard and by our front porch. I love that they look furry. AND THEY ARE PURPLE! I love purple flowers. 
These are another plant of unknown species. It is like a pod/berry thing. I love it! 
Live Oak in the front yard! With purple and yellow flowers. 
Yellow flowers of awesomeness!

I hope you enjoyed these pictures!  I'm working on my empties posts and they should be ready I the next few days! 

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