Monday, March 24, 2014

Update Lent 2014

Update Lent 2014 Numero Uno

I really didn't think it would be that hard to give up the fandoms. I thought I night just have trouble finding other things to do, but I didn't think I spent that much time reading fanfiction and laughing at memes. Apparently I did. Five minutes here and five minutes there adds up to a few hours by the end of the day. I also used to read it before bed. The night of Ash Wednesday I got into bed and didn't know what to do with myself. I was too tired to read anything that needed a brain to understand (which is why fanfiction is usually perfect... don't need too many little grey cells to read a story about Avengers turning into cats) and too awake to just fall asleep. I ended up trying to remember all the words to Bellini's "Vaga Luna" until I drifted off. I have a feeling that by the time Lent ends, I will have caught up on all the reading I wanted to do for the spring.

I was really good about it the first week of Lent, then I caved. It is an addiction. I can't stop reading it. This past week it slowly crept into my life again. I tried staying away from Facebook a bit, but that didn't work so well. I'm going to try again tomorrow. It will work!

I have blogged more than I really expected to! Yay! I missed a few, but updated them eventually. Last week I was absent because my brother was home from school and I wanted to spend time with him while I could. That, and we kept going out to lunch and dinner so I spent a lot of time being full.

I've not gone through my clothes yet. It's on my list with "clean my room" and "stop reading fanfiction all the time".

These are the books that I have read so far this lent:
  1. Homemade Cookie Recipes:Top 55 cookies of Cake Mix Chocolate, Chip Mexican Wedding, Shortbread, Gingerbread, Lemon, Fortune, Vegan, Apple, Red Velvet,Monster and Banana Recipes
  2. Daily Scripture Reading and Meditation: 31 Healing Bible Verses- To Keep You Healthy, Healed and Whole! 
  3. The Complete Sugar Detox Program: Cleanse Your Body of Sugar Naturally and Beat Your Cravings!
  4. How the Bible Came to Be (Ebook Short)
  5. Martin Luther's 95 Theses
  6. Is the Bible Divinely Inspired?
  7. The Life and Prayers of Saint Augustine
  8. 31 Supurb and Healthy Baked Chicken Recipes You Can Rely On
  9. The Ultimate Dandelion Cookbook
I will post an update for my walk to Mordor later this week. I expect to not have gone so far these past few weeks since I have been busy sitting in a car and not really walking as much as I should.

In other news, I fell walking up the aisle at church yesterday and twisted my ankle. It isn't too swollen and not really bruising at all, so I think I'm ok. It also doesn't really hurt unless I step too hard, so I think I got off easy in my injury scale of how-bad-did-Marjorie-hurt-herself-this-time. I am super pissed about this because I went two weeks in ballet without having to wear any ankle braces and I'm now back to square one. Saturday I had a fantastic class (technically I did two and a rehearsal) and I was dancing really well. I can't believe that I hurt myself! URG! SOOOO FRUSTRATING!

I read my friend Meagan's blogpost about not letting yourself come up with excuses. I am the queen of coming up with excuses for myself as to why I should or shouldn't do things, or why things did or didn't happen. "I'll clean my room later. I'm tired. I'll vacuum after my nap. I'll take the trash out after one more episode. I'll pray after I finish this email. I'll darn my pointe shoes tomorrow. I'll call my grandmother when she'll be home." They creep in and take hold and won't leave. So no more excuses.

Tomorrow you will see another blog post. I won't read any fanfiction. I'll clean some of my room. I'll grimace through the pain at ballet. And I will be happy about it! Hope the rest of you are having a nice Lenten season!

Friday, March 14, 2014

Book Review: How the Bible Came to Be

Review: How the Bible Came to Be (Ebook Short)
by J. Daniel Hays, J. Scott Duvall

One of my goals this lent is to read more religious books. This means that I'm busting out my kindle and listening to its lovely Text-to-Speech voice as I'm driving down the highway. This short e-book is perfect for a few hours of reading on a winter afternoon. This book discussed the actual process of how the bible came into existence: inspirations, oral tradition,  historical book writing, historical translations, Hebrew cannon, and modern translations.

This was a sectional book, with each section covering a different topic and written by a different author. Some examples of the information included:

The distinction between the word of God and the words of prophets inspired from god. Example: ten commandments on tablets of stones- god's hand did the writing. Isaiah's prophesies are inspired from God, but said in Isaiah's own words and in response to the happenings of his own time. It discussed translations and how the actual words are not what is important, but the meaning of the words. They must portray the meaning of the original text. That is why the word Lord might be Yahweh or God in different translations. Different words, but same meaning. Also, it discussed the different styles of writing: genealogies, poetry, parables, letters, love songs, and narratives.

I found this short book highly entertaining and very interesting. The information is presented in an easy to access, but intellectual way of writing.

This product is available on Amazon and is currently $1.99 for Kindle. I purchased it for free on promotion, but it is well worth the money. An interesting note: the Amazon page says it is over 1000 pages. This is incorrect. That page count is attached to the ISBN of a completely different book by the same editors. It really is short. It took me less than 3 hours to read.


Read on March 6, 2014

Thursday, March 13, 2014

I Got a Fitbit! A Product Review

Product Review: Fitbit Flex and Fitbit Aria

I've now had my Fitbit for several months and I felt like I could do a thorough review on it now that I have used it in several different instances.

I got a Fitbit Flex in the mail on Wednesday the 15th of January. My aunt had given me $100 for Christmas and I was trying to think of something to get with it when my lovely friend Katie told me about Fitbit. I immediately read through their entire website and ordered the Fitbit Flex in black. This wristband is slightly narrower than the new Force, but I don't ever wear watches and I thought having a device with a screen/watchface would be overkill. I always have my phone with me, so I can look at the number of steps I have taken there.

I then spent the next week reading and watching every review on the planet about all the Fitbit products to make sure that my decision was the right one. (Normally people do this before they buy a product. I tend to do it after and wait with trepidation for the item to ship, hoping that all those horrible reviews were just grumpy people.) After a long wait, I was so excited to receive my Flex in the mail. I set it up in about 20 minutes and was out the door to go to the gym to put it to the test. It was a pretty easy gym workout for me because someone had brought their whining three year old son to the gym. I couldn't concentrate on doing anything super hard because I was spending all my mental power to try not to yell at this child. After 45 minutes, they left and quiet descended.

I always do the elliptical when I'm at the gym and I tested the step count of the machine vs the flex to see if it was accurate. The flex was low by about 200 steps, but that probably was when I was using the stationary handles to get my heart rate several times during the exercise. I then added the weightlifting section as an activity and I think it calculated my workout quite nicely. I have since been to the gym many times and I can say that the flex is always about 20- 50 steps off compared to the machine. I think this discrepancy indicates the times I am fiddling with my headphones or raising the crossramp and resistance.

Ballet was another challenge. I take three ballet classes a week. They are all 1.5 hours or longer and I work up enough of a sweat that I drip on the floor if I don't bring a towel. (I am not over exaggerating. I work really hard in those classes.) I only wore my Flex twice in class. The first time, it told me I took about 200 steps in 1.5 hours. I know I walk more than that, but my arms are either waving around or completely still, so this wristband does not calculate this well at all. Jewelry is not allowed in my ballet studio, so I felt really strange walking in with a giant black band on my wrist when no one else is wearing any jewelry at all. Also, I mentioned sweat. My Fitbit got in the way of the sweat and my towel as I tried to quickly wipe down my arms in between exercises. After the second class, I just decided it wasn't worth it to wear to class. I take it off my wrist when I put on my skirt and shoes and I put it back on when I change clothes after class. I don't really care that it will be slightly off. I just add my activity into the fitness log and I move on with my life.

I have noticed two things that do bug me about the flex.

The first is that it sometimes counts bumpy roads as steps. This wouldn't be a problem, except for the fact that I live in an area of Louisiana that has some of the worst and/or bumpiest roads in the history of roads. The only other roads that I have been on that have been worse were honest to goodness dirt roads in the woods of North Carolina. When I drive into New Orleans four times a week, I drive across the Lake Pontchartrain Causeway. The south bound road is older than the north bound and is much bumpier. My tracker counts every bump over every joint of the bridge as a step. It only does it on the south bound bridge, not the north, but it does it, nonetheless. I recently found an app for my phone called DriveBit that you tap when you commute and it tells your Fitbit app on your phone that you were driving and not walking and not to count those steps. I'm not sure if it actually works since I haven't used it over the bridge yet, just the interstate, but I hope it works.

The second is that it goes into sleep mode when I am shaking spices into my cooking. It is really funny to suddenly feel my wrist vibrate when I'm shaking oregano into my spaghetti sauce. I think this is just a problem you get if you are vigorously shaking your spices (which you do when moisture gets in there and solidifies your garlic salt!) so it shouldn't bother most people. The only problem I've had is that it thought I was sleeping for several hours when I didn't notice and correct the accidental sleep log. I went back in on my app and fixed it later all it was all fine.

On the subject of apps, the Fitbit application works really well. (I have a Samsung Galaxy SIII for reference.) I usually use it instead of the online webpage, just because my phone in normally on hand and my computer isn't always. I haven't had any problems with the application or syncing between the app and the webpage. I hardly ever use the dongle that came with the Fitbit, since I usually sync via my phone, but it does work well when I do use it. I use the phone app to record my foods so I can see how many more calories I should burn or eat in that day. Many of the foods I like to eat are not in the database because they are usually obscure brands or vegan. I try to find similar products and substitute them in my food log. I know someone who just makes custom foods with the number of calories they think they ate.

About three weeks after I bought my Fitbit Flex, I was at BestBuy and saw that they carried Fitbit products. I bought a pack of extra bands (navy blue, turquoise, and orange) and a Fitbit Aria. The bands are really fantastic. I love the black band for nicer/dressy occasions such as church or going to a fancy restaurant. I also wear black a lot, so it matches almost everything I wear. The other colors are great for when I want to add a splash of color or match my outfit for the day. They are all rather stiff for the first week or two, but they soften up nicely as you wear them more. Here is one of my problems. If you don't take them off and clean them everyday or every few days (depending on how much you sweat) they begin to smell. I haven't been able to get the smell to go away entirely and it really doesn't smell good. It's a cross between strong cheese sitting in the sun and old shoes. Not a very pleasant smell. This is the one thing that really, really bothers me. Maybe a deodorizing or vinegar spray would get the smell out, I'll let you know when I try it.

The Aria is pretty nice. I got it in white to match my bedroom floor, but it also comes in black that would match my bathroom. It takes a little while to set up, so you can't just step on it and go. I put in all my information on the computer and it wirelessly synced up with the scale. I find that it tends to weigh you on the heavy side, but only by about 2 pounds. It is very consistent. The body fat percentage, in my opinion, is off. It is also consistent, but I can't believe that my body fat take up almost half of my body weight. Compared to my lean muscle level that is taken at my gym, it should be about 10 to 15 pounds less than it says it is. I can't complain too much about this though, because it helps me understand how my body reacts to different activities. The thing I like most about the Aria is the wireless sync to my Fitbit. I don't have to input anything. It just uploads by itself. This is really helpful when I roll out of bed and weigh myself and don't remember to write it down until ten hours later and I've forgotten how much I weighed.

In conclusion, I love my Fitbit Flex. It has be monumental in my Walk to Mordor and much more accurate than hip pedometers have been for me in the past. (Hip pedometers have to sit upright for the step count to be accurate. When you are overweight, the pedometer will not sit in the upright position, and will not accurately count steps. One previously used pedometer gave me an extra two steps for every one step I took going up the stairs.) It works really well in normal everyday life as well as on hikes and in the gym. I don't recommend it for ballet or dance where your arms are largely stationary while your body moves. (Maybe one of the other Fitbits would work better for you in this instance, like the One or the Zip.) I think it is well worth the money and has helped me quantify my fitness on a daily basis. I also enjoy the Aria, but I wouldn't say it is necessary for life. If you already have a nice scale, stick with that. If you don't, watch some review videos on YouTube and decide if you want to spend a large chunk of money on a home scale.

Fitbit Flex $99.95 (4.75/5)
Fitbit Bands set of 3 $29.95 (5/5)
Fitbit Aria $129.95 (4/5)
Fitbit Flex individual bands $14.95

(my rating scale: 0- I hated it and want to return it. 1- it was bad, but not bad enough to return. 2- it was ok, but I don't see myself using it very much. 3- it works well, but there are several problems that annoy me. 4- I really like it but there is one this that bugs me about this. 5- I absolutely love this product and will use it forever until I die.)

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Trip to North Carolina Part Four

Part the Last (Part 4)
Very picture heavy

View from the top of the Mountain
Wow. I can't believe this trip ended so quickly. Thursday I slept in because I could and because going to Spartanburg the days before had worn me out. I made an awesome lettuce sandwich for breakfast. Who doesn't love lettuce sandwiches?

My awesome lettuce sandwich
Lent Madness began (See previous post). I voted for Basil the Great because he was so important to the formation of the Trinitarian view and the Nicene Creed.

Then, Mom and I sorted through school books and things to figure out what I was going to bring home. I ended up deciding to bring home two boxes of music, 4 pairs of shoes, my printer, my German dictionary, my five pound illuminated bible, and some winter clothes.

I made some super yummy vegan pasta for lunch. Have a look-see.

After a short nap, I took a hike in the woods and apple orchards with my parents. It is so beautiful up here in the winter. I love looking at all the wonderful trees and bark formations. Here are a bunch of photos that I took on the 2.63 mile hike. It took us roughly 1.25 hours to hike it with lots of stops. (We stopped for water from the spring! There is nothing like spring water fresh from the rock. It tastes amazing. Like earth and rock and crisp-cool. There is no other way to describe it.) It was a super dreary and cold day and by the end of the hike it started to sleet. We made it back to the car just in time.

I braided my hair in French braid pigails.
I made stir fry veggies and pasta for dinner because I was super hungry and that's what we had in the fridge.

Then came the fun part: snow! It started to snow so my dad and I went running around like mad people. I took lots of pictures.

Then I decided to do some reading on my kindle. I read a short E-book called How the Bible Came to Be for my lent reading and another short ebook called The Complete Sugar Detox Program. This was a diet/ cookbook that had some interesting recipes, but not many were even vegetarian, so I'm not going to review it on my blog.

Friday I woke up early. I missed going to Spartanburg to see my voice teacher because of the snow, which was a little upsetting, but SNOW! OMG, I love snow! It had snowed overnight and was lightly raining in the morning so I decided to go out in it before it all melted. I made a quick breakfast of Angel Hair and sundried tomatoes and pulled on my layers of clothes to head out the door. It took my mom a long time to finally join us for the hike, but we headed up the road soon enough. Everything was covered in the most beautiful clean white snow. Our neighbor's dogs joined us for about five minutes of the hike (it really freaked out my mom, who doesn't really trust their dogs after one of them bit my aunt twice, but they just tagged along for a little while, then dashed off through the woods).



The apple trees looked so cool in the snow. It was so bleak and grey with such a lovely backdrop of the trees in the snow. We found turkey tracks by the lake!


After about an hour, I got pretty cold because the rain was soaking through my clothes (at least my feet stayed dry... thank you Gortex!) so we started our descent. Once we got back I realized I had soaked through my clothes, so I changed, threw in some laundry, and bundled up under the big blue comforter.

My hair after being in French braid pigtails

My hair is getting long!
Saturday was the day we drove home. I started it off with a Go Veggie! pepperjack grilled cheese sandwich. It was surprisingly good. The trip home took us 11 hours and 15 minutes. I drove for most of that. I am so glad to finally have my car back.
 I hope you all enjoyed theses posts about my trip. If you want to see more posts like this, with lots of pictures of nature, food, places I go, or whatever I am doing that day, please comment below and tell me what you think. Here ends my trip!