Monday, June 23, 2014

San Francisco Trip Part One

Part One: Food

Hi All! I've finally sifted through the hundreds of photos I took when I was in San Francisco earlier this month and I've decided to post them in themed groupings instead of a day by day posting. This post is all about food. We ate out a lot when we were in San Francisco and I had only one meal that I didn't like.

Day One: Travel. I ate some pasta with pesto at home for breakfast. They didn't serve any food on either of the planes, so I ordered apple juice and ate my dried apricots, mango, and larabars that I brought with me. We bought overpriced hummus plates at the San Francisco airport that included grape leaves and falafel and we split two of them three ways. We went to the Regency Club at the top of the hotel for a "dinner" of asparagus, watermelon, and olives.

Day Two: We had breakfast at the Regency Club and I was pleasantly surprised how many vegan options they had. I went a little crazy with the raisins and brown sugar in my oatmeal (I LOVE raisins). I also had watermelon, cantaloupe, and honeydew as well as a banana. Gotta love fruit for breakfast.

I ended up getting a second helping of oatmeal and found the tea machine.

Lunch was at the Eclipse restaurant in the lobby of the hotel. They had fantastic bread with olive oil, balsamic vinegar, and roasted garlic. I got the vegan version of the Asian Salad (aka substituted tofu instead of chicken) that contained cabbage, lettuce, carrots, tofu, and a sweet garlic ginger dressing.

Dinner was at a Thai restaurant called Osha. I partook of the deep fried tofu spring rolls with sweet chili dipping sauce (I forgot to take a picture, but they were glorious). My mail meal was a Fried Tofu Salad that was mostly Cucumbers with a little bit of lettuce and onions, tomatoes, and tofu. The dressing was a spicy, sweet garlic ginger vinegar. It was ridiculously tasty.

Day Three: Breakfast was at the Regency Club again. This day I had oatmeal with raisins and brown sugar, watermelon, cantaloupe, strawberries, a bagel, and Austrian Strawberry jam. It was ridiculously good jam (with fruit pectin, yay!).

Lunch was at the Wayfare Tavern. I had a BBQ mushroom sandwich with jalapeno coleslaw, sweet and spicy bread and butter pickles, and French fries of goodness.

Our afternoon snack was soy chai latte at starbucks

Dinner was in Palo Alto at the Mayfield Bakery. I had wonderful chamomile tea, salad with oil, vinegar, olives, and garlic, and French fries.


Day Four: We missed breakfast at the Regency club, so we went downstairs to Eclipse again. This
was the one meal I did not like while I was there. Our waitress was not attentive and she never brought cream for my dad's coffee. Then, my parent's food came out and I had to wait ten minutes to get my food. They let me get food from the buffet free of charge while I was waiting, but I really wanted my vegan breakfast burrito. I ended up grabbing some watermelon while I waited. My burrito was very hot... like burn the roof of your mouth hot. It was also really oily and made my stomach hurt. It tasted ok. Not too flavorful, but it was basically tofu with some vegan cheese and onions and peppers. The potatoes were pretty bland as well and I ended up dousing them in table pepper and salt. Overall, my least favorite meal of the trip.

Lunch this day was at the Japanese Tea Garden in the Golden Gate Park. I got edamame and miso soup, the two vegan options on the menu. The iced green tea was perfect and it was an immensely refreshing meal after walking around in the sun for hours.

Dinner was one of the best meals I have ever had. We went to Saigon City Vietnamese Restaurant in San Mateo. I had the vegetable fried spring rolls and the vegetarian fried rice (no egg). The food was cheap (four of us had an entrée and an appetizer each under $50) and super tasty. I also spilled my mom's water all over the table as soon as we got there.

Fried Rice at Saigon City
Day Five: Regency Club, here we come again! Oatmeal with raisins and brown sugar, watermelon, a bagel, strawberry and bitter orange jam, and tea were my go to foods this day.

Lunch was my second best Vietnamese food I've ever had. We went to the Slanted Door and I had the tofu dish with two types of tofu (fried normal tofu and a smoked local made tofu with peppercorns), onions, lemongrass, and jasmine rice. It was ridiculously good.

Dinner was at B Street and Vine in San Mateo. I had a mango and avocado bruschetta (on the left in the picture, the others were sun dried tomato, brie and apple, and balsamic tomato roasted bellpepper). I had the vegetarian Panini (without cheese) and chips for my main meal.


Day Six: Breakfast in the Regency Club for the final time. Oatmeal (again! I don't particularly like oatmeal and I am probably not going to eat it for another year if I can help it) with raisins and brown sugar, watermelon, and a bagel with tomatoes (I made it into a sandwich).

Lunch was a salad on the plane that consisted of lettuce, radishes, mango, onion, and Asian dressing with a pretzel roll. Hopefully the stewardesses enjoyed the salmon that I didn't eat. At the Dallas airport I found a burrito stand and got a vegetarian burrito and it helped tide me over until we made it home and I could make a real meal.

This concludes my food post for my trip to San Francisco.

Stay tuned for more posts about San Francisco: City and building pictures, flower/nature pictures, and a what's in my travel bag post.

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