Thursday, June 26, 2014

San Francisco Part Two

Part Two: City and Buildings

Traveling around town in San Francisco and the Surrounding areas was beautiful. There were so many awesome buildings with beautiful and strange architecture. Below I am posting many pictures from the trip. I hope you enjoy!

Thunderstorm on the Causeway heading to the New Orleans Airport
Welcome to California!
View of the Ferry Building and Embarcadero center from our hotel
Sail Boat on the Bay
Embarcadero Center Flower Sculpture
Ferry Building
View of the City from our hotel balcony
Lights at night
Good Morning to the Port of San Francisco
Lights hanging down from each floor in the lobby of the hotel. I think these are so beautiful and would look really cool over my bed (even though they would keep me up at night).
View from the market
Saturday market and sky scrapers
A very blurry picture of Alcatraz
Fisherman's Warf
A seal by the docks (and a statue of Minnie Mouse with a lantern?)
View of the bay from on top of a hill in the city. I love how hilly the city is. You are just walking along on a flat street, you turn a corner, and BAM! you are going straight up a hill.
One of the curviest streets in the city!
I love the pod-people type houses that were all over the town. They must stand up to earthquakes well.
Shrine of Saint Francis
Awesome building!
Pyramid building
A statue of Hermes
The following pictures are all of Grace Cathedral. The ribbons hanging from the ceiling over the congregation are a temporary art instillation that consists of 20 miles of ribbon in shades of red and blue. Each red ribbon has a prayer written on it. These ribbons hang down from the ceiling and cause the light shining from above to take on a dappled affect. While sitting there listening to the choir practice before the service, I thought that the Holy Spirit was going to come down and dance in the light and ribbons. It was really spectacular.

The stained glass and wall paintings were all spectacular, even though I had trouble taking pictures of them because of the lighting. They have a carillon! Yay! I play the carillon so I get really excited when I visit places that have one since they are rather rare in Louisiana. They have 44 bells and are played by electric keyboard (I found this strange since the only ones I had ever seen before were either played by hitting baton or lifting a lever that pulls a rope) and the carilloneur was really nice and I enjoyed speaking with him.

I apologize for the blurriness of some of the indoor photos. The lighting was non-cooperative.

Grace Cathedral (The seat of the Episcopal Bishop in the diocese)
Gorgeous stonework details
The famous doors of the cathedral
The outside labyrinth.
Stay tuned for my next post about San Francisco: Botanical Garden! 

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